Are you a Company or a JobSeeker?
We have two products, each with unique suite of tools.
Unlock your potential Grow your team!
Get the job you're after, Faster!
By utilising Verb videos I was able to decide in the first 15 seconds who was going to be working for me.
Being able to see the personality of the applicant as well as the resume, that really cuts down on that time.
We use it as a tool to really help narrow down who wants to come work for us.
Getting a video application instead of a cover letter saves me time!
Useverb will help us find the right people because we get an instant snapshot of their personality.
By utilising Verb videos I was able to decide in the first 15 seconds who was going to be working for me.
Being able to see the personality of the applicant as well as the resume, that really cuts down on that time.
We use it as a tool to really help narrow down who wants to come work for us.
Getting a video application instead of a cover letter saves me time!
Useverb will help us find the right people because we get an instant snapshot of their personality.