Who is it for?

If you’ve tried everything, followed all the advice and still aren’t getting anywhere… If you want clarity about what will actually work before investing more time in the wrong tasks. If you’re ready to take action and try something new. The Job Search Secrets course is for YOU!

This Course is NOT...

  • Generic

    Just another cookie cutter, how to write a CV or templated cover letter guide.

  • Boring

    While it may not be a feature on Netflix, this course will put food on your table and maybe even upgrade your TV!.. So you can watch something that is!

  • a Waste of Time

    Even the pro's who have gone through this course have made note of some awesome takeaways from it.

What can I expect?

The course takes less than 4 hours to complete. All the information you need is there, so you don't have to Google your weekend away. We provide a “copy & paste approach” so you can implement it straight away without having to do any guessing.

In Exchange For that Tiny $29.99 Investment,

You get all this..."Job Search Secrets + UseVerb (FREE) + BONUS Material"

Job Search Secrets RRP: $549

Some skills were never taught, kinda like "How to Tie A Tie" and had to be learned. We get you Ready and Straight to the Front of the queue...Ready to Work!

  • PICK'n-GO Tactical Playbook. Wherever you're at in your Job Search journey.

  • Done-For-You Templates. Stop guessing and get it Right First Time!

  • Ready-to-GO! Everything you need to Stand-Out & Get Hired! Ultimate Tutorials, Hacks, Do's and Don'ts, Videos, Key Strategies. Cut through the process... FAST!

UseVerb Job Seeker! (FREE)

Standout and nail your job application! This course makes you the "Best version of You!" Checkout all your FREE! Bonus Material included.

  • Don't know where to start... lost your way? Find your "WHY" again!

    Career Self-Reflection - FREE ($116 Value)

  • Push PLAY! Don't waste your time searching. These are the 9 MUST-WATCH VIDEOS from Top Speakers to Fuel Inspiration and Motivate You.

    9 MUST-Watch Videos - FREE ($199 value + your time back)

  • UH-oh! EXPOSED! How did they get that photo? Maybe its time for a Social Media Clean-up!

    Social Media Makeover - FREE ($99 value)

BONUS Material Included

  • Strong Today, Stronger Tomorrow. Catch your thoughts and write them down on these visual aids to Motivate you..

    JobSearch Secrets Sheets - FREE ($72 Value)

  • Work, Eat, Sleep REPEAT!! Break the cycle and start some Healthy Habits Today.

    Job Juice: Healthy Habits - FREE ($45 Value)

  • Show-Off! Secrets to Building an Impressive Portfolio That’ll Make Everyone Want to Hire You!

    Impressive Portfolio - FREE ($36 Value)

Discover your Potential, Find your Purpose

Start here...

Why is Applying so hard?

"I spend hours on repeat looking for the right job, filling in applications, only to be rejected. And not even an interview!"

Job Search Secrets will give you a clear pathway, your time back and the confidence to try again with direction.

Why is it not working for me?

“I’m doing everything the experts say to do! I’m using the templates, I’ve tried building my network, and putting myself out there. It's just not happening!"

What if I told you that it’s not "what" you’re doing, but "how" you’re doing it…

The same old is getting old!

"I'm sick of searching...I don't have time...I can't be bothered...I can't afford it!"

When you invest in yourself, a world of opportunities open up for you. Job Search Secrets will teach you new skills, develop you personally, prepare you professionally, and put into action the best return on investment you can have. What's a new start worth to you?

“But I can’t get a job because I don’t have any experience.”

I’ll tell you a secret… employers hire people they want to work with - experience or no experience. They may say your lack of experience was the reason for not going ahead with your application, but what they’re really saying is “I would have to invest more time in you than I’m prepared to do.” So you need to show them how you can still bring immense value, and make their job easy. We give you the tools to do this.

“I don’t have a job right now, so I can’t afford a course.”

This course costs less than a standard 8 hr shift. If you've been unemployed for longer than that, it's already cost you more than this course. Plus many forget about the time factor that goes into job seeking. Researching, writing your application, going to interviews. If you could get into work 2 weeks faster, would you make the small investment to get there faster?

“I can just research this all on my own.”

You can search how to write a CV or resume. You can watch videos on how to prepare for an interview. But how do you know who to trust or what advice to follow? Job search Secrets gives you the insight and clarity into what employers REALLY want.

“I’m not getting a job because I’m not ‘...’ enough.”

What sets you apart is your attitude, how you showcase your work ethic and your passion for the role.
We give you the tools you need to highlight why you’re the best person for the job.

"I can't be bothered...I won't get the job anyway. I'm so over it!"

Have you ever been told, "You need to change your attitude"? Don't let discouragement pull you down. Recruiters spend just 6 seconds looking at your application! How can you convince a recruiter you’re the right candidate for the position in only a few seconds? Don't be so hard on yourself. Let UseVerb show you how!

“There are other courses out there that I could buy that might be better.”

If you want something to change, you have to do something different. There are other courses out there,
but they all say the same information you likely already know. Boring! This course gives you actionable tools that are different, that actually work.

“How do I know this course is credible? Who wrote it?”

This course has been created in collaboration by recruitment experts, who are dominating in the recruitment space as well as 6-figure business owners who have been building successful teams for the last 15 years.

“It's time consuming. I want quick answers.”

The course takes less than 6 hours to complete. All the information you need is there, so you don't have to Google your weekend away. We provide a “copy & paste approach” so you can implement it straight away without having to do any guessing.

“What’s in the course? And is it easy to navigate?”

The course is broken up into sections, with different modules for each. You can jump between sections depending on where you're at in your job seeking journey.
There's videos, worksheets and plenty of templates to keep the course engaging and interactive.

“This could be a risky purchase. How do I know I'll get value from it?”

If you've been looking for work for a while and aren't getting anywhere, this course will help you identify what you need to do differently so you can put into action steps that will ACTUALLY get you hired. Plus, our 9 day money back guarantee should remove any hesitation you have. No catch.

If all this Course does...

  • Gets you employed, a few days faster...

  • Builds your confidence, so you sleep easier...

  • Improves your process, so you get a pay rise...

After reading the JSS course, the way I approached my CV changed radically. After applying the changes,I got a job within 3 days - thanks to UseVerb!

Richard, 26 - Kenya

Captured on UseVerb, 31 March 2022

I found the course to be educational and engaging. I liked the layout of the course, the short but effective sentence structure which helped to keep my attention, and how it felt like a human was talking to me and not just information being thrown at me. Overall, I enjoyed it and it's inspired me to keep applying as job searching can be and is stressful!

Anuj, 26 - Atlanta, Georgia

Captured on LinkedIn, 21 March 2022

I appreciate that the JSS course has everything together in the one place! I spent so long searching the internet looking for tips and tricks to prepare for job applications and interviews. I would have friends read and reread resumes, cover letters and emails due to my lack of confidence with approaching professionals. The JSS course has really in depth examples to show how to address those situations and has given me the confidence to approach them by myself. This is a tool that I would have loved in High school or the start of Uni when I was just starting into the workforce.

Kayleah, 21 - Perth, Australia

Captured on UseVerb, 22 March 2022

I loved this course! I learnt how to make my CV and cover letter more powerful, so that I can standout to recruiters. I will recommend this course to all my friends who are seeking jobs. Thanks so much!

Mohammed, 29 - Sana‘a, Yemen

Captured on LinkedIn, 25 March 2022

The course helped me change my approach to job searching. It helped me see that the job search process is much more than just a perfect CV. It highlighted the ways I can show my strengths outside a resume and gave me confidence in finding the right job for me.

Will, 23 - Perth, Australia

Captured on UseVerb, 10th August 2022

The JSS Course was such a great way for me to learn the little things they don't teach you at uni. When you've graduated, no one is going to hand you a job, you've got to get it yourself. Having no idea how to do that, the JSS Course showed me what I was doing wrong and taught me little tricks along the way. There were so many 'insider secrets' that I didn't know about, but that I now understand are important to keep in mind, whether it's about making your resume or going to an interview. I think a big struggle for me was preparing for interviews, I always knew I had to do that, but no one ever told me how. I would recommend this course to anyone in my position who just can't seem to get that first step in the door after uni!

Lina, 21 - Stockholm, Sweden

Captured on UseVerb, 22 March 2022

I find myself in a claustrophobic space trying build my confidence, so I end up unhappy for not meeting my needs. I have so little experience, yet I want to show my hidden qualities and think about what is good for me. With the JobSeeker course, I can simply learn from the beginning to end, and it helps me boost my confidence on what to do next. By being real and discovering the best version of yourself, this course will provide that for you.

Angel, 20 - Perth, Australia

Captured on UseVerb, 8th July 2022

The course was really insightful and has prepared me more than adequately to face any challenges that may arise during the job seeking process. It has also boosted my confidence as a job seeker, being armed with knowledge of how employers think and what they look out for in a pool of candidates.

Elliot, 22 - Perth, Australia

Captured on UseVerb, 4th August 2022

The Job Search Secrets course is a great resource for helping job seekers learn the steps to take for their next career opportunity. Some concepts were thoughtful tips (i.e., take a pause to reset yourself before submitting your CV and application) but many others reflect the new era of job searching we are living in (i.e., knowing how to set up and maximize your online presence). I appreciated how user-friendly and easy to follow the course was, as well as the examples and templates integrated throughout. This will definitely be a tool I will continue to reference in my job search!

Miriam - LA, California

Captured on LinkedIn, 20 March 2022

I've found a lot of online courses similar to the JSS Course, but this has to be my favourite one. It makes me think of the whole job-seeking process in a deeper level and made me self-reflect. It's helpful, straight forward, and I definitely got a lot out of it!

Karen, 21 - Perth, Australia

Captured on LinkedIn, 7th July 2022

The course was incredibly informative, and showcased new skills to add to my job applications! I appreciated the inclusion of many application examples, from varying industries. I learnt about what information I should include in my CV, as well as key tips on what makes a memorable cover letter. I would definitely recommend the JSS course, for job seekers and even seasoned professionals, who feel they need a refresh of tips to nail an application and secure an interview. An outstanding course, that takes the stress out of job seeking!

Kimble, 22 - Perth, Australia

Captured on UseVerb, 24 March 2022

The Job Skills Secrets Course is a great help to job seekers out there. It provides a thorough guide for every step of the job seeking process. A lot of the time, people might not be sure where to start with cover letters and CVs. It’s hard to know what to include and what to leave out. The JSS course gives you a clear idea of best practices and explains why. It’s a powerful tool for helping you find the right job.

Nikolai, 26 - Perth, Australia

Captured on LinkedIn, 11th July 2022

The JSS course helped me improve my resume-writing skills because it explains in great depth what we should and what we should not include in our CVs for us to get noticed by hiring managers quicker. I would highly recommend doing this short, yet extremely helpful course especially for students who are still fairly new to job-seeking experiences. I guarantee that after taking this course, you will be a lot more confident in your job-searching skills.

Edgel, 21 - Perth, Australia

Captured on UseVerb, 24 March 2022

Wow… I have learnt so much! Gaining Insight into the employer's side of reviewing applicants was very helpful. It helped me identify what was really important for my cover letters and resume, boosting my confidence for applying for my dream job! This course allowed me to discover more about me! I found new skills and discovered how big my network really is, giving me a better chance at success! I recommend this to anyone needing help. I’ve learnt more in this one small course than high school, tafe and university career courses combined!

Lauren, 21 - Perth, Australia

Captured on UseVerb, 6th July 2022

I loved taking the Job Search Secrets course because it really helped me understand what kind of job I would enjoy, and the steps to land that suitable job. The addition of simple short videos at the beginning of each section made me more eager to finish the course since I enjoy learning through audio and visuals. Motivational quotes printed on some sections allowed me to reflect on myself for a few seconds and helped me push myself to stay focused on getting the course done. The explanations were easy to read, understandable and were very informative to me. The explanations were portrayed through very simple step-by-step instructions, which helped me retain the information better. The short videos on topics made the learning process for me more fun and interesting. I really appreciated how the whole course was divided into different sections with some being short and some being long but very enlightening, easy, and fun to read. Doing the course was not tedious or impractical at all as all the information given were very useful for anyone looking for a job, I was eager to take any information down as it would also help me now and in the future.

Echa, 20 - Perth, Australia

Captured on UseVerb, 12th August 2022

The Jobseeker course is so good for a bunch of reasons, but one aspect stuck out for me. There are times in life, out of frustration, when you just want to apply for any job you can do. You think you won’t care about certain aspects of a role if you are bringing money in, even if they do bother you; it could be company culture, duties, location, hours etc. This course brings you back to who you are and what makes you happy to go to work. Otherwise, you will be back on that virtual sidewalk, unemployed or about to be, stalking job listings because you didn’t consider yourself and your needs.

Melissa, 42 - Perth, Australia

Captured on UseVerb, 7th July 2022

The Job Search Secrets Course has been eye-opening for me, allowing me to identify key areas I’ve been failing at when job seeking. It’s so difficult to get a job without any experience but it isn’t the only thing employers value. The JSS Course has alerted me to that idea and taught me to take further initiative, be confident and authentic during interviews since I’ve been shy in the past and most significantly, reach out to interviewers prior to the interview to touch base which I hadn’t previously considered.

Nicolette, 21 - Perth, Australia

Captured on UseVerb, 8th July 2022

Before you spend another day un-employed...

Invest in you & fast track yourself